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Abu Dhabi
September 15, 2023

Bridging knowledge and nature: The success of Discovery Garden at GIIS Abu Dhabi

In September 2022, a pioneering project took root at the Global International School (GIIS) in Abu Dhabi. Aptly named "DISCOVERY GARDEN," this initiative sought to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, all while nurturing environmental consciousness among students.

Under the careful guidance of the GIIS faculty and operation team, Discovery Garden blossomed into a transformative educational endeavor. Students were not merely confined to classroom theories; they ventured into the vibrant embrace of the Discovery Garden, a living laboratory where they could touch, feel, and witness scientific concepts come alive. This hands-on learning approach ignited critical thinking skills and instilled a profound sense of responsibility.

Furthermore, the garden has sowed the seeds of environmental stewardship. As students engaged with the natural world, they developed an innate appreciation for the environment, fostering a commitment to conservation and sustainability. The impact of Discovery Garden rippled far beyond the school's boundaries. It created a positive educational ecosystem, invigorating students with newfound enthusiasm for learning across subjects and grade levels. The project's reach extended to families and the wider community, as students assumed the roles of green ambassadors, advocating for eco-friendly practices.

Discovery Garden proudly clinched the third place at the prestigious Global Excellence Day 2023. This recognition underscores the project's profound impact on education, its transformative effect on students, and its commitment to nurturing enlightened minds and empowering change on a global scale. Greenspace Utopia continues to thrive, serving as a testament to the enduring potential of education to cultivate minds, empower change, and earn well-deserved accolades.

As our Garden continues to flourish, the project envisions an exciting future, where the integration of cutting-edge technology will take education to even greater heights, nurturing minds and empowering change on a global scale.

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